Our Services
Kritzer Law Group has always been committed to providing exceptional defense representation at competitive rates. Today, our firm offers a comprehensive portfolio of litigation and advisory services.
Our Portfolio of Services
Appellate Practice
We have a team of seasoned appellate lawyers who can successfully identify appealable issues and determine whether an appeal is cost-effective for our clients. Our attorneys have handled appellate matters in virtually every area of our practice and have a working knowledge of appellate practice rules and deadlines in each department in New York.
Automobile Liability
We have a strong knowledge of no-fault insurance laws and are often successful in obtaining summary judgment for our clients by utilizing the no-fault serious injury threshold as a defense. Our attorneys have the expertise to handle auto accident cases ranging in complexity from simple collisions to catastrophic losses.
Business and Commercial Litigation
We work closely with other professionals including accountants, appraisers, and banking and insurance specialists to address our clients' needs and proactively prevent potential problems and pitfalls. When litigation is necessary, our attorneys have the knowledge and experience to achieve winning results while our clients stay focused on their core businesses.
Construction Defect and Labor Law
We represent property owners and construction professionals in complex litigation involving construction defects and New York Labor Law claims. We have the knowledge to successfully defend New York Labor Law claims and have a proven track record for successfully defending cases involving claims of injured workers and significant property damage claims.
General Liability
We handle all insurance-related general liability litigation and disputes, ensuring our clients can defend claims while continuing their business operations.
Insurance Coverage
Our experienced attorneys guide clients through insurance coverage issues to minimize uncovered losses and unnecessary expenses.
Professional Liability
We defend lawyers, accountants, architects, engineers, insurance brokers and agents, and more, utilizing a personal approach that respects our clients' good names and reputations.
Trucking & Transportation
Our experienced attorneys handle all aspects of trucking and transportation law, mobilizing immediate response teams to coordinate accident investigations and representing some of the biggest names in the industry.